Sep 27, 2010

Getting settled in Muskegon and my first day of class!

Hi everyone!  Well, today was my first day of school!  I just had one class, but it was really neat being in a classroom again and back in student life.  This first quarter I will not be in any labs (kitchen), so there won't be many pictures of my work, but the classes are essential before moving on to the "good" ones (or so I'm told!).
These are the classes I am taking this quarter:
*Culinary Portfolio Preparation: basically writing a paper about what I am going to achieve while in school and how I will apply my skills to make me the best candidate for a job someday.  I also have to start my portfolio (a notebook, basically) and put items in there throughout my time here to keep it all organized and neat-fun!
*Product Identification: have this huge encyclopedia-book of most naturally occurring foods that exist in the world, that class starts tomorrow night.
*Culinary Math: yessss!  I get to take a math class again!  It has been awhile, but it has been one of my favorite subjects in the past and I look forward to seeing what new formulas I will learn!  (I realize I sound like a complete nerd right now!!)
*Workplace Communication: this is my only non-culinary related class I will hopefully have to take the whole time I am here.  I guess we learn how to write memos and other office-related documents. Snooze.
And here are my books for this quarter (along with my "free" t-shirt from orientation and Jasmine's head!)... forgot how pricey they are!!

Also, I have been getting settled in my new apartment.  Only have a few things, so it looks pretty scarce, but I will have my stuff soon.  It's a one-bedroom apartment, about 650 sq feet.  A bit outdated, but not too bad....

Here's the living room as you first walk in:

From the opposite corner, looking into the kitchen and out my window (on the ground level, but down a half of flight of steps, so kinda like a basement!)

The kitchen.  Why two-tones cabinets, I'll never know...


And, bedroom, complete with blow up mattress.  (I've already made the joke that I am living a bit like a drug dealer right now, so no need for the comments!!)

So, I had some free time this past weekend since I don't have cable or internet yet, so I decided to paint a few walls since I am used to bright colors and couldn't imagine living in a white basement for two years!
I painted the two opposite walls in the living room  a crazy purple color (the couch will back up to one and the tv on the other).  Here it is:

(couch wall)

(tv wall)

Jasmine offering her help that day-ha!

Hopefully, once I get some stuff in there, it will all come together!
Mostly, I have been either at Walmart getting random stuff (even though I really dislike going there, they have the best prices-dang it!) and walking Jasmine around the neighborhood and at different parks in town.  
Here's one close to Lake Michigan (you can't really tell, but the lake is in the background!)

So, hopefully Jasmine will be looking a lot more trim the next time I bring her around (I tell her she is getting her waist back!)  She is also very excited to have about a thousand squirrels in the complex and adjoining neighborhood to keep her occupied!!
That's it for now.  Time to enjoy the beautiful fall weather!!

Sep 14, 2010

Saying Goodbye to Shreveport

Today is my last full day here in Louisiana.  I had a really nice going away party with my friends from work last week... here are some pictures!
Here I am with Elizabeth and Teresa and my really cool Louisiana gift basket!

Everyone getting settled and chatting...

Now all the posed pics!
Me with Elizabeth

Me with the Kim's (bosses)

Robin and Micah

Here I am eating some fried alligator!  (it really does tastes like chicken!)

And, finally, the group shot!

I just want to thank everyone who came and contributed to my lovely gift.  It was a great night and I will never forget it!

Here I am on my last day of work with Elizabeth and Teresa-I worked with them the most... what messy dietitians we are!!

And here I am with Micah at the Boardwalk (outdoor shopping area)

I have so many memories from my time here in the South, and I know that I will never forget the lessons I have learned here.  I had great support from my friends and family.  

My last goodbye is to Jack and Billy.  I know that you will be in good, loving hands and I will never forget you...
When we first brought them home

And, here are the last pictures I have of them...

And Jack:

My next post will be from Muskegon!  Should be arriving on Saturday and then orientation Tuesday.
Thanks again Shreveport.  Every time I say "ya'll" I'll think of you. =)

Sep 7, 2010

My inspiration for pastry arts school

Hi everyone!  Okay, I only have 3 days of work left and 20 days until my first day of class!!  I can't believe it-time is really moving fast.  I got word from financial aide that I am approved for 100% student loans (although hope to pay some up front each quarter), but it is relief to be able to check that off my list!!

I thought I would take some time to reflect and share with all of you why I am doing this.  I have been thinking about this for a few days and I really think there was just some point in college where I would take on making dinner for my roommates, but had this obsession with trying to make something different.  I was always trying new things, and even though I had some failures (I actually remember trying to puree undercooked potatoes in the blender for twice baked-totally disgusting!!).  But, where it really all came together was Nena's wedding!!!  See beautiful pic below...

I started Michael's Craft store cake decorating classes because I thought it would be fun, but really, I wanted to be able to make Nena's wedding cake for her as a gift.  Well, here was my very first class result:

Not too bad, but I mean, I was just learning how to put icing in a bag THEN, Nena got engaged!!  I thought I would have more time than that!!!  So, she definitely took a risk on letting me attempt this very hugely massive feat, but I was determined!!
I just took it one class at a time...  and here are a few of my creations..
Learning the basket weave, one of my favorites!!

Top of the basket weave.  Flowers made with royal icing.

My first cake using fondant (rolls out like playdough and can make some really cool decorations, but TASTES like playdough!!)

My final cake after Course 3 (12 weeks total of classes at this point) and my first tiered cake with royal icing flowers (I will try to ignore the bad icing job I did-ahh!)

I then took a Fondant and Gum Paste class where I learned a lot of cool flowers and better techniques of covering a cake, etc...  And, then it was time for Nena's showers and wedding!!
Even though I did take a lot on for these events, I had so much fun creating the menus and trying out some new ideas I had.  Here are some pics from the showers...

Columbus Shower (brunch-type foods)

The fruit display (I LOVE making these for some reason)

Cleveland shower (picnic theme)

Oh yes!  Another fruit display!

Pulled out the cake decorating tips for these babies!

The fondant shoe I randomly made as decor.

Wedding dress cake for the Cleveland shower.
(My first time trying a looks-like-something-other-than-cake cake!)

Then, it was time for the big one... a four tiered wedding cake with fondant flowers, plus 2 extra huge two-layer sheet cakes (final hear count for the wedding about 275, I think?).  I took a week off of work and was saved by mom's double ovens for the baking, which took the most time.  And, with help from my Michael's cake decorating instructor who set up my cake at the reception hall (since I had other stuff to do, like be the maid-of-honor!), this was the final product!

I of course remember every flaw and think about what I should have done differently, but I was really proud of myself for this!!  And, although it was a lot to do, I remember just loving being in the kitchen with my game plan, some good music playing, and just knocking it out!  
Since then (over three years ago) I have only made one other tiered cake.  This one was out in California, for a co-worker's mom's surprise 50th birthday party.  The colors were red, black, and gold and they let me do whatever, so it was fun coming up with a concept and surprising them!  Here it is:

And, finally, the last cake I have done was for the Dining Out dinner for the Air Force last fall here in Shreveport.  The idea was already conceptualized and they just needed help executing (meaning, I took over and did everything!!  That's my OCD side coming out!)
This was Chad's squadron's emblem on top of an outline of the states they forecast for)

So, I haven't really made anything on a larger scale for about a year now, so I am really itching to make a mess in a kitchen!!  Hopefully, I haven't lost my skills... maybe it's like learning to ride a bike?

Look my next post, "Saying Goodbye to Shreveport" coming soon!!